
Citizen Charter

Citizen Charter


Address: YMCA, CCL Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi
Website ID:

Date of Issue: 28. 02.2024

(Next Review after six months)



Ensuring availability of medicine at affordable prices.



  • Stable and effective price control and monitoring of drugs
  • Ensure availability of drugs at reasonable prices as per the extant Pharma Pricing Policy.

Policy Formulation: 

Policy related to pharmaceutical sector is formulated by Deptt. of Pharmaceuticals. NPPA only provides its inputs for policy formulation and is not directly involved. However, stake holders of pharmaceutical sector such as Manufacturers / Associations and Consumers are given due opportunity wherever necessary through exchange of information during meetings; discussion held through webinar(s);etc. Also, all the Authority meeting Minutes are available on NPPA website including the Minutes of the Multidisciplinary Committee of Experts.

Key objectives:

  1. To implement and enforce the provisions of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order in accordance with the powers delegated to it.
  2.  To monitor the availability of drugs, identify shortages, if any, and to take remedial steps.
  3.  To collect/ maintain data on production, exports and imports, market share of individual companies, profitability of companies etc., for bulk drugs and formulations.
  4.  To undertake and/ or sponsor relevant studies in respect of pricing of drugs/ pharmaceuticals.

 Details of the Committee to advise on suo-motu disclosure 

(i) Advisor (Cost) & Appellate Authority   – Chairman of the Committee

(ii) Dy. Director (M& E) & CPIO                – Member

(iii)  Under Secretary (Admn. / Estt)         – Member


The Committee was constituted on   06.02.2024.

The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining, information and grievance redressal mechanism.


A. Information Facilitation Counter

An Information and Facilitation Counter (IFC) is operating at  Reception Counter in the 3rd Floor, YMCA CCL Building  at 1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi -110001, to provide information and assistance to the public, regarding the schemes, policies and procedures of the National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority, as well as status of their applications and grievances. Following are online tools available for dissemination of information:


  • NPPA website (https: // is rich repository of various orders/notifications/circulars etc. issued from time to time and arranged chronologically. The website is updated with the latest information relevant to various stakeholders. All the information regarding prices fixed of scheduled formulation, new drugs, under Para 19 and any other initiatives of NPPA is available on the website.
  • Pharma Sahi Daam (PSD) is an online search tool for checking MRP of all medicines and Ceiling Prices instantly. If there is any ceiling violation, the buyer can lodge a complaint against company/chemist on Pharma Jan Samadhan (PJS) which is available on the link The PSD and PJS portals are also available on both iOS and Android platform with the name “Pharma Sahi Daam”.

B. Public Grievance Cell

A Public Grievance (PG) cell is functioning under the aegis of Shri Pallav Kumar Chittej, Deputy Director in the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, in the 5th  Floor, YMCA Cultural Center Building, New Delhi-110001 for receiving grievance petitions related to this Department. Petitioners may submit their Grievance petitions relating to the subjects dealt in NPPA, either in person, by visiting the counter at 3rd Floor YMCA Building or by post. Following are the online tools to raise complaint/ lodge grievance:


  • The Pharma Jan Samadhan (PJS) is an online facility to raise complaint for Overpricing, Sale without Price Approval, Refusal of sale and Non-Availability of Drugs. Any individual or consumer organization or stockist / distributor / dealer / retailer or State Drug Controller can lodge complaints at “Pharma Jan Samadhan” (PJS) portal of NPPA, through the toll-free number 1800111255 & Email — PJS is an online complaint redress system for speedy and effective resolution of complaints with respect to availability of drugs, overpricing of drugs, sale of ‘new drugs’ without prior price approval (WPA) and refusal to supply or sell drugs.


  • Further, Applicants may also lodge their Grievance online at the CPGRAMS web-site operated by DARPG, at the following web-address- Applicants can also track and view the status/reply of their online Grievance petitions at the CPGRAMS web-site.

C. RTI Cell


An RTI Cell has been set up in the National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority, 3rd Floor, YMCA Cultural Center Building, 1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001 for receiving RTI Applications related to this office and the statutory fees thereof, as prescribed under the RTI Act, 2005. The RTI Cell acts as a central point for receiving the RTI Applications/First Appeals addressed to NPPA, from the public in person, as well as through post and for further distribution of these applications to the concerned Officer within the NPPA as well as to other Public Authorities concerned with the queries.


The RTI Cell accepts various fees prescribed under the Act, both in cash against a proper receipt, as well as through IPO/DD/Banker’s cheque drawn in the name of PAO, NPPA.


The RTI Cell also facilitates the applicants by providing them information on the status of their applications and any other information required by them in connection with RTI applications filed by them.



Information Facilitation Counter PG Cell RTI Cell
Address 3rd Floor, YMCA Cultural Center Building, 1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001 3rd Floor, YMCA Cultural Center Building, 1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001 3rd Floor, YMCA Cultural Center Building, 1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001
Telephone No.  1800-111-255 1800-111-255 1800-111-255
Timings  03:00 P.M – 05:00 P.M  ( Tuesday to Thursday) 09:30A.M – 05:30 P.M 09:30A.M- 05:30 P.M
Facilities Available

Information required by the visitors are made available or the visitors are guided from where to get the information such as  IPDMS/ Pharma Sahi Daam and Pharma Jan Samadhan App or the link


  • Receive Grievance Applications addressed to NPPA from the Public and distribute them to concerned Officers in NPPA or transfer to other concerned organizations.
  • Facilitate the applicants providing them information on the status of their Grievances.
  • Receive RTI Applications/First Appeals addressed to NPPA from the Public/through Post and distribute them to concerned CPIOs/Public Authorities.
  • Accept fees in Cash against receipt and though DD/IPO in the name of PAO, NPPA.
  • Facilitate the applicants by providing them information on the status of their applications.
Charges Details are supplied without any charges Grievances from the Public are received and processed free of cost.

Application fees-Rs. 10/-

Additional Fees-

  1. Rupees two for each page in A-3 or smaller size paper,
  2. Actual cost or price of a photocopy in large size paper;
  3. Actuals cost or price for samples or models,
  4. Rupees fifty per diskette or floppy,
  5. Price fixed for a publication or rupees two per page of photocopy for extracts from the publication;
  6. No fee for inspection of records for the first hour of inspection and a fee of rupees 5 for each subsequent hour or fraction thereof; and
  7. So much of postal charge involved in supply of information that exceeds fifty rupees.


Exception from Payment of Fees-

No fee shall be charged from any person who, is below poverty line provided a copy of the certificate issued by the appropriate government in this regard is submitted alongwith the application.